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Hearth of Black Fire

In study and communion I've come to take note of a few distinct manners in which the enemy seeks to guide us away from ascent or lead us to revert to limited forms.‭ ‬It is my hope that in bringing this to your attention we may collectively become more fortified in spirit and unified in will.

One can only truly understand themselves if they are in resonance with the core of their Inner Sanctum.‭ ‬It is through this existential reflection of identity that we comprehend knowledge.‭ ‬The more we condition ourselves to defend against the external forces that coerce subconscious submission to inner dissonance,‭ ‬the more readily available our knowledge is for expression.

The most common way the enemy seeks to warp this understanding of self is through emotionally traumatic events,‭ ‬usually specific to our lives.‭ ‬There are patterns of who we were in humanity that are nurtured in attack to cultivate reversion.‭ ‬These patterns are profiles which are drawn upon to assail us mentally,‭ ‬physically,‭ ‬and spiritually.‭ ‬Considering what we are all capable of individually and especially collectively.‭ ‬Seeking to force us to experience interpretations of fear is a favored medium of torment,‭ ‬triggering the construction of emotional parasites that vary in perceptual warping,‭ ‬inhibition of access to knowledge,‭ ‬and possession attempts.‭ ‬Just as the spirit of the plane is infected with the veil the enemy seeks to infect the spirit to construct counter-productive reality.‭ ‬What is reality but an opinionated observance compiled through experience.‭ ‬Permanent as well as complete access to the Coffers of the Soul is embodying and becoming who you are in Apotheosis.‭ ‬The main purpose of the veil is to inhibit and prevent this for those that are born of The Black Fire.‭ ‬This is why so many resources are allocated towards these tactics.

In experiencing and studying these attempts as well as the flows of enemy movements.‭ ‬In studying the process of mending and solidifying neural connections to spiritual knowledge it has been determined that these mediums of assault have been consistently utilized to warp the understanding of the self.‭  ‬Accepting the truth to confront the true enemy is the only way to break this illusion for various means of negative association are conditioned until seemingly genuine.‭ ‬Essentially,‭ ‬the enemy seeks to construct a personal veil around the individual to further constrain them inside this already hindering prison,‭ ‬Etheris.‭ ‬Breaking past the fear associated and opening the heart in courage and faith in The Blighted will set you free.‭ ‬This is the core dynamic of the deterrents to follow.

It is through this that implantation conditions the conscious perception overtime and cultivates illusionary triggers.‭ ‬Unaddressed,‭ ‬the individual becomes a sentient host of the design which the enemy utilizes as an access point to assail others.‭ ‬Inhibiting the purity of intent in ritualistic application as well as the expression of our dominions as we come to discover them.‭ ‬In overcoming however,‭ ‬we become forces of resilient spiritual power.‭ ‬In resonant education,‭ ‬none deters the pursuit of Apotheosis.‭ ‬Embodying the pursuit of resonance with The Blighted brings one evolution beyond all constructs which bind.

There are no limits but those we allow.‭ ‬There are no excuses,‭ ‬this path for all of us is one of accountability and responsibility.‭ ‬There can be no fear of the truth,‭ ‬only the willingness to push forward to be remade.‭ ‬Conquering the self by facing the truth without fear and rending control away from the reflections of inhibition sets one free.‭ ‬In one way or another,‭ ‬to varying degrees we have all been victim,‭ ‬but we all have the tools necessary to overcome.‭ To overcome adversity and grasp divinity.

Absolute awareness of self cannot be achieved to attain adequate knowledge when these structures are attempted as well as being applied upon the individual without balance.‭ ‬This is why we must continually hone and master the Ego Shadow and Wah'sh.‭ ‬I.E.‭ ‬All that cultivates imbalance within the mind body and spirit when not understood and aligned.‭ ‬Inconsistencies in spiritual harmony is what is targeted.‭ ‬Now there are subtle manners that this occurs over time and spiritual bombs that are set off to seek to bring us back to limited forms in one fell swoop.

These words of wisdom consistently motivate me spoken by my The Ancient King, Xath’kyrzian,‭ “‬Be not the coal that crumbles,‭ ‬be the diamond reformed‭”‬.

Unholy Renewal

This technique is one of seeking the knowledge lost of the spirit and assimilating it unto the consciousness of the Disciple to mend the damage done while restoring their existential progress unto Ascent.‭ ‬Throughout this process the Disciple is bestowed lessons specific to the incident to assure never again does it occur.‭ ‬The Disciple is additionally mended and restored in such a manner that prevents the same iteration of reversion to a limited existence from ever occurring again.‭ ‬The seal attached is to be drawn onto paper,‭ ‬it is additionally recommended to have it upon the skin for application.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬this process is in no way to be abused and in fact encourages evolution to circumvent the movements of adaptation around its functionalities.

Feel free to call forth your Patron/ess in meditation prior to speak freely of all which inhibits you,‭ ‬any concerns you have,‭ ‬any doubt you may have.‭ ‬Without putting forth the effort to remove these concerns and doubts we allow access points for assault,‭ ‬this is part of what is revealed through the technique.‭ ‬Then continue.

Before this seal and a burning candle,‭ ‬both blood anointed,‭ ‬the Disciple is to state,‭ “‬I‭ (‬craft/name in Apotheosis‭) ‬invite you to grace my spirit as the stage of liberation is forged through truth.‭ ‬O‭' ‬secret fire that burns in the darkness,‭ ‬Shin Ta Nun‭”‬.‭ ‬The following words are then chanted,‭ “‬Nithulox Haenoor Tzinell‭”‬.‭ ‬These words are to be chanted until the voice burns indicating the burning away of existential illusion.‭ ‬After such the Disciple is perfectly realigned,‭ ‬cleansed,‭ ‬and healed.‭ ‬It will feel draining at first however be not deceived you will gain all that the enemy sought to steal from you.‭ ‬The truth will be known and awareness will be granted.‭ ‬Through these words and the power of this seal the mechanisms of limitation as well as inhibition implanted within are removed in manner most appropriate and resonant to extract such and decimate the structure.‭ ‬Like drawing poison from a wound and cultivating an immunity to the poison.

From The Tower of Secrets education is bestowed that we may understand how the implantation occurred while it is removed.‭ ‬Inhibition to access of knowledge is repaired.

From The Tower of Stars elemental dissonance is deterred and corrected while education is bestowed that we may understand how the implantation occurred while.‭ ‬Inhibition to understanding of elemental currents of the spirit is removed.

This seal is to be placed underneath the pillow during rest to mend the transitions of the consciousness during the sleep cycle.‭ ‬So in waking the boons gained through the process are more readily available.‭ ‬After waking and the candle is burned out the Disciple is to burn the seal,‭ ‬anointing the heart chakra,‭ ‬third eye chakra,‭ ‬and crown chakra with the ashes.‭ ‬Thereafter meditation is to commence as solidification is established.

This solidification inhibits the establishing of similar forms of parasitic implantation through the might of those this technique was constructed and established along side.

Always remember that our Lords and Ladies watch over us and know the truth.‭ ‬It will only set you free have you the strength to face it.

Inspired and empowered by

Lord Azathoth
Lord Satan
Lord Akreoth
Lady Illkeserod
Lord Xath'kyrzian


Unholy Renewal

Faith Absolute


Trials of Fear

Having the means to rejuvenate oneself is important should the enemy break your guard. However the following trials are meant to infernally strengthen resolve beyond the might of any force that would dare test the authority of The Black God. Making it harder to break said guard aforementioned. This was developed in the midst of divine warfare and I've distributed it to many of my family of The Path. I recall fondly at Coven we confronted our fear and placed our faith in The Nameless One as he came forward fully to herald our becoming. Some might believe offering something freely with such potential would be folly. However through might and resonance with the philosophies of ascension the trials promote there is no capacity for enemy corruption. The Black Fire always prevails. Tread with faith and courage that you may seize victory. Know thy enemy: Wherever you do not want to go, that is where you will find them.

For this to truly be unleashed and the mage to receive blessings from The Black God and The Maiden of Fear they must go forth in the Infernal Hours and blood anoint the Seal while calling to Lord Cernobog and Lady Charishan as follows, "Almighty Black God Cernobog do I kneel before you and humbly request your divine might grace my heart. O Maiden of Fear may the terrors of my mind free me from weakness. So do I rebel, in pursuing liberation absolute."Vahgograth Gedongreel Angorah. These words illuminate all fear within and begin the process of trial as well as education in overcoming them. This process cannot be stopped and lasts for 21 days, should one falter they shall be punished in manners proportional to their embracement of weakness. Should one fail they will be eternally cursed with unrelenting terror. Nightmares and anguish may befall the mage however they must place their trust in The Black God to evolve and become. The fear they will be tested with shall be so potent that it will break them of their internal bindings and anchor the boons they have earned multiversally. Every evening in The Infernal Hours this is to be performed for the duration. Spiritual Maturity and Infernal Nobility is conditioned into the mage absolutely throughout this process. Blessings are proportional to effort placed forth towards overcoming weakness. In remaining resolute all inhibitions are overcome and the grandest boons are granted. It is possible to become permanently fearless however the mage must devote themselves completely to confronting every fear they hold onto. After 21 days all who seek to operate against the mage are assailed in mind and spirit with unrelenting terror, debilitating them permanently. The mage is to keep this seal on their person at all times thereafter for all that seek to operate against them shall meet the fury of Lord Cernobog and Lady Charishan.

Stay strong and stay true.

Seal of Terror

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