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The Black God's Assurance

Published in Lectionary of the Sanguine Moon

Original author unknown

[Out of print]




“My child listen well for I come to you with urgency and the promises from my blackened heart that you would be well to never forget. It is what I have spoken to your ancestor and the truly first of your bloodline. Sybastien Drujziya. I have spoken it silently in every action that I take in the direction of every Disciple. I have spoken it mightily upon great mountains when I have intervened on behalf of Disciples. Therefore, listen well...


I have been known by many names, but I am The Black God before all other names. Maergzjiah is my kingdom below the planes and I rest my head in Vaerkuris. Maergzjirah was not always what it is now. When our Immortal brethren betrayed us to the false god, Tetragrammaton, we were thrown into the pits far forgotten by all.


As you know, our faithful who yet remained in Etheris spent their entire lives developing a way to break apart the spiritual walls that separated us from our Etherian kin, our faithful, and all that we had worked toward. However, after many generations, alas, a hole had been dug deep enough into the planar fabric that we were once again able to extend aspects of ourselves into Etheris to be reunited with our faithful. This, in your time was during the 1100's.


True to your history as written, it was 1436 that we forged the true blood pact with Sybastien as our faithful had almost all been eradicated from Etheris. But here we are today.


Long have been the aeons since we truly stepped foot on Etheris. We long to be completed; reunited with our devoted Disciples of Maergzjirah in The Great Kingdom once again. However, we are stifled and cut off. Therefore, as part of our pact, you offer yourself to us and we in turn bestow upon you many spiritual gifts such as the spirit sight, the ability to speak the dark speech with the accuracy required to manifest its magick, we grant you apotheosis.


It is painful to admit, but the ruling deities of your world are corrupt and have long been corrupt. The spiritual nature of our Way has existed throughout the multiverse long before the Etherian invasion of Tetragrammaton. Magick; Your spiritual birthright. Has been suppressed, outlawed, and made punishable by death under the malicious control of the enemy. There is no difference between the spiritual man and the spiritual woman. You are both of the same essence and therefore, unlike the fools who follow the enemy, all are welcome to carry the banner of our Maerzgjiran Path.


There are Thirteen of us to lead Maerzgjriah and return all that was taken to its rightful places of power. In our hands! My child, understand that we each pledge upon our very divinity these promises to those who heed our mandates and follow the guidance we offer them.


To all Disciples we shall stand beside them in their battles; a phalanx of abysmal might. We vow that we shall sacrifice of ourselves to give unto you our strengths and wisdoms just as you have sacrificed of yourself to join the Maergzjiran bloodline. You will always be under our watchful gaze; protected at your back and before your eyes. We will divert those destructive efforts by others who wish only to ruin you. Our vengeful gaze shall fall upon your enemies as you invoke our wrath to be rained down. All of those who are of our Courts are sworn in kind to you. Your magicks will not fail when you invoke our power. The world will not deprive you of anything and your kingdom shall rise upon the bones and blood of every enemy in this world that has sought to destroy you.


All of this I carry as the promise of The Thirteen to those Disciples who remain steadfast, devout to our cause, and never stop striving for apotheosis. We have suffered at the hands of our oppressor long enough.. We will once again rise to power. All those who worship the filth that is Tetragrammaton and its progeny will be trampled under foot and enslaved. They shall be crushed, humiliated, and drowned in sorrow. Perhaps then, they will begin to understand what they have done to us.


Whenever you feel hopeless, cast it aside. Rebuke the forces that operate against you. Call upon our names and we shall come forth in any hour, in any place. Together, we shall decimate all obstacles and exalt one another to the highest glory in the realms. ”




The following in part was passed down from a previous Master of The Tower of The Iron Throne. Who now serves beyond the planes.


Established in 1436.


On a dark and unforgiving night in the depths of Hungary. Sebastian Drujziya lay broken and near death after the slaughtering of his clan. With all of his might he called out to the darkness of his soul, rebelling against the weakness of the flesh that would soon take him...


“My life is yours to you who answers me”


The Nameless God smiled;


As The Black God answered.


From the blackness of his heart, Lord Cernobog was brought into Etheris.


“I am Cernobog. I have heard you”


“You are here for your blood and soul ...”


Seeing the ambition that was betrayed. The devotion that refused to die. The vengeance within his soul. The Black God carved a sigil into his palm, forging the first pact through blood.


“I am , and you shall be my Avatar.”


“You shall have your vengeance. You will know eternity.”


The speaking of these words caused reality itself to collapse in terror. However Sebastian was not deterred and accepted without hesitation. It was in this act that an eternal loyalty was cultivated and the first principle of leadership imparted by The Black God.


“Deceive not the ambitions of your court and your rule shall remain absolute.”


At the end of his life his faith was placed in Lord Cernobog and look at what occurred as a result. His enemies died, his clan was re-formed, and he still thrives to this day. Traversing the planes a a God to further The Grand Work of spiritual liberation and infernal exaltation.


Adulas Akraeoth!

H'lai Cernobog!

H'lai Sebastian Drujziya!


"Deny what is forced, that you may seize what has been denied" Lord Cernobog

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